VCI Corrosion Protection on Sale MONTHLY SPECIALS
VCI Extruded Film Stock 36" x 500 Feet
Corrosion Protection

M.F.S.R. Price: $ 129.95/carton + Delivery
167 VCI Sheets per Roll
Sales Price: $ 104.14 per Roll + Delivery
VCI CF18X36 Sheets Perf On Roll
- VCI Sheets Perf-on-Roll
- 36 x 36 inch x 4 mil sheeting on rolls
- 167 Sheets per Roll folded to a roll width of 18 inches
- Sheets open to 36" x 36"
We reserve the right to limit quantities
KPR Rust Remover 55 Gal
- Safe neutral pH liquid rust remover
- Water based, non-acid, non-flammable, non-fuming liquid removes oxides from metal surfaces
- Biodegradable, non-hazardous rust remover liquid can ship by air, sea or ground
Email for a shipping rate
55 Gallon Drum Ex-Works
VCI Emitters
VCI Emitters <---Click on the link for VCI products on SALE
We reserve the right to limit quantities, all prices are in US Dollars VCI Foam Emitting Systems
VCI Corrosion Protection Adhesive Backed Emitters
Provides multi-metal corrosion protection to electronics, electrical components and enclosures up to one cubic foot
Regular Price: $ 125 per Carton SALE PRICE AS LOW AS $114.15 per CARTON
For more VCI emitters info click here VCI Emitter
VCI Emitters
Corrosion protection to a wide range of multi-metals. Up to 24 months corrosion protection including galvanic corrosion Effective in polluted and humid atmospheres. Compatible with commonly used Oils, Greases, Paints, Rubbers etc. The Mono-ionic VCI layer does not affect electrical /optical/mechanical surface properties. Compact, safe to handle and easy to apply. Provides corrosion protection when equipment is in storage, transit and when in operation. Eliminates the use of labor intensive conventional methods of greasing / oiling / wiping / spraying / dipping.
- Adhesive backing allows easy & quick installation.
- Safe in the workplace and environment friendly.
- Free of nitrites, silicones and phosphates.
Click here to purchase VCI EMITTERS AT SALE PRICES
Part # MDE30 50 units/carton Each unit protects one (1) cubic foot. For more detail click here VCI emitters:
VCI 10x10 Foam Squares 250/Ctn
VCI 10 x 10 Inch Foam Pad Inserts 250 Pieces/carton. 10 x 10 x 1/4 inch thick. Each VCI foam pad protects up to 8 cubic feet of enclosed space.
VCI Foam Emitters Downloadable File
List Price: US$720.65
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